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Arthritis , Pain & Joint Problems
Two major categories of joint problems are:
Developmental – Where joint does not develop correct
Causes problems like hip or elbow dysplasia
Degenerative- most common cause is cruciate ligament problems, where ligament degenerates over time and causes instability and secondary osteoarthritis and arthritis
Dogs less active and have more difficulty with common activities
Dogs have problem getting up on couch, stairs, or elevated areas
Athletic dogs, have trouble running along side their owner or don’t want to play
Progresses to overt lameness – holding the limb up
Larger dogs, or dogs that are overweight
No general breed or gender specific
Newfoundlands – highest prevalence of cruciate ligament disease of all breeds
Rottweilers – prone to knew and ankle problems
Bernese Mountain dogs – prone to elbow dysplasia
Breeds that are more prone:
Non- surgical: focuses on weight management and body condition
Manages weight of dog in order to decrease the stresses on the joints
Also decreases the inflammation because fat is a source of inflammation in the joints
Body Condition: focuses on building dog’ strength
Overall muscle mass and muscle function helps protect joints and overall function
Exercise: light to moderate helps keep stiff joints supple and mobile
Exercise varies depending on individual dog
15-20 minutes of exercise twice a day is recommended
Swimming is ideal – known to be a low-impact activity that improves muscle mass without overstressing joints
Physical Rehabilitation: include underwater treadmills, ultrasound therapy, and electric stimulation
Application of cold and heat, massage, stretching and range-of-motion exercises to maintain joint health and muscle strength
Known to relieve pain and promote cartilage, tendon and ligament health
Acupuncture and Massage:
Although controlled clinical studies are lacking, there are many anecdotal reports
Claim to help relieve pain from hip dysplasia and degenerative joint disease in dogs
Gently massaging dog’s painful joints helps restore the blood flow
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS):
Used for pain management
Decreases pain and inflammation by providing a low level electrical current which disrupts the normal pain perception pathways
Pulse rate and width are controlled to deliver desired effect
Can also be used to stimulate acupuncture points in order to achieve a body-wide response
Therapeutic Ultrasound:
Used on tendon and muscle injuries, and conditions that result in decrease range of motion
This breaks down scar tissue, increases the elasticity of muscles, aids healing, increases circulation, and reduces pain and spasms
Pulsed Signal Therapy (PST):
New medical treatment to treat pain and injuries
Relieves severity of joint pain and swelling – can improve mobility
Signals mimic the normal healthy physiological signals, transmitted into the joint to promote the repair of damaged cells and to stimulate the repair and maintenance process
Bioelectric Whirlpool:
Form of treatment that combines the benefits of hydrotherapy with the pain management benefits of TENS
Medications, foods, and food additives can also be given – contain anti-inflammatories, analgesics, and pain relievers:
Foods are formulated for joint health – containing additives such as fish oils to help decrease inflammation, and glucosamine/chondroitin
However, important to note that no amount of consumed nutrients will correct the structural damage to a dog’s joints
Calcium deposits, scar tissue, cartilage tears and dissolution, or contour changes to the bones at the joint surfaces from long-term forces being applied
These abnormalities will remain present and will continue to affect the dog regardless of the nutritional intake
Supplements added to diet (Glucosamine and Chondrotin Sulfate, Omega Fatty Acids, Vitamin E, Selenium, and MSM) – all assist in decreasing inflammation and improving the body’s ability to repair and strengthen tissues
Important to note that there is no reverse structural changes in a joint
Common Treatments:
Non- Surgical Treatments are: Difficult to remodel the joint without surgical intervention – attempts are made to reduce inflammation and nerve endings
Allows dog to be more comfortable, even if range of motion is compromised – will not correct joints or reverse structural changes
Steroids: given to reduce swelling and inflammation to affected joints (Prednisone, Dexamethasone, and other corticosteroids)
Downside: use of steroids for a long period of time can actually contribute to additional joint damage and breakdown
NSAIDs: these are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Aspirin, ibuprofen, Rimadyl, and Etogestic)
Can have noticeable beneficial effects
Downside: needs to be carefully regulated
Can cause bleeding disorders, gastric ulcers, as well as liver and kidney dysfunction
Nutraceuticals: substances consumed orally as an addition to normal diet
Known to be safer than conventional drugs – considered a form of food/nutrient
Toxicity is not a problem and have little to no side effects
Takes longer to see improvement than drugs
Most common form used are Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfate
Glucosamine: natural compound composed of sugar and an amino acid
Involved with the body’s production of joint lubricants and shock absorption necessary to maintain both cartilage and joint function
Manufactured in the body in the joint cartilage
One of the building blocks of articular cartilage that aids in rebuilding damaged cartilage
Beneficial to other body structures
Formation of nails
Synovial fluid
Heart Valves
Respiratory tracts
Unrinary Tracts
Created in the production of proteins associated with cellular growth and structure
Nutritional supplement is taken from crab, lobster or shrimp shells
When purchasing supplement – recommended to chose the sulfate form because it absorbed and utilized best
Chondroitin Sulfate:
Beneficial in prevent stress injuries to joints – helps in the repair of damaged connective tissue
Addresses the disease process itself, unlike pain killers (only help in dulling the pain)
Helps the body to repair damaged cartilage – restores joint integrity
Protects already existing cartilage from breaking down and keeps cartilage tissue hydrated
Also helps in cushioning impact stress
Studies suggest it reduces joint paint
Chondroitin production is known to decrease with age
Supplementation can be especially helpful for senior dogs
Non-Surgical Treatments:
Recommended if joints are severely damaged or the pain is great
Improves movement and overall function
Most procedures involve making small incisions through which surgeon can clean cartilage debris from the joint
Other surgeries involve and focuses on repairing bone deformity, fusing joints, or rebuilding part of a joint
Arthroscopy: known to be the list invasive (very minimal) arthritis joint surgery currently available
Can help resolve damage in shoulders, elbows, and the knee joint in the rear legs as well as the ankle bones
Procedure involves small cuts over joint where camera is inserted
Instruments uses are small to assess joint damage and plan joint repair
Some cases – surgery cannot be performed due to swelling and/or leakage from joint
Open surgery is needed in these cases to asses or repair the joint
Joint Replacement: Elbow and Hip
Intensive and expensive surgeries that require a long recovery time (1-2months)
However, 90% of dogs are successful in resolving joint and arthritic problems
Joint Fusion
Procedure uses metal implants to fix damaged joints
Recovery time is usually between 1-2 months
Can be risks involvedone: